TWRI still seeking input on Lower Rio Grande Valley water conservation from ag producers, irrigation districts

A survey for agricultural producers and irrigation district managers and board members in the Lower Rio Grande Valley (LRGV) will continue until the end of February.

The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, Texas Water Resources Institute (TWRI) and project partners are conducting the survey regarding water conservation programs and opportunities.

Dr. Lucas Gregory, TWRI research scientist, said TWRI and project partners including AgriLife Extension, Texas A&M AgriLife Research, Texas A&M University-Kingsville Citrus Center, Harlingen Irrigation District and WaterPR have been tasked with delivering water conservation and efficiency programs to growers and irrigation districts.

“To do this more effectively, we are asking Valley growers and irrigation district staff or board members to participate in a brief online survey,” he said.

“It’s a short, safe and important survey,” Gregory said. “It will take less than 10 minutes to complete and survey answers will be anonymous. Participants will be given the option to share their email address if they are interested in further discussion.”

The survey can be found at Information from the survey, funded by an Agricultural Water Conservation grant from the Texas Water Development Board to AgriLife Extension and TWRI, will be used to improve future irrigation-related programming in the LRGV.

For more information, read the AgriLife Today story.

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