Ali Niazi
Graduate Research Assistant
ali.niazi@ag.tamu.eduAs a Graduate Research Assistant for TRWI, Ali Niazi is currently working on the Methods to Address the Tres Palacios Bay and Recreational Beaches Bacteria Impairment programs in Texas.
Ali is currently enrolled as a doctoral student in the Water Management and Hydrological Sciences program at Texas A&M. He has been working in the domain of geographical information systems (GIS), remote sensing, and hydrology for 7 years now. His research interests include GIS applications to hydrological modeling and analyzing climate and land use/land cover impacts on water resources. Before joining TWRI, Ali worked on climate change and water resources projects as a Graduate Researcher in the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, at Texas A&M.
He holds a bachelor and master’s degree in GIS and Hydrological Sciences and worked in both academia and industry before starting his Ph.D.