
TR-539 Watershed Characterization of the Angelina River above Sam Rayburn Reservoir Watershed

Authors: Luna Yang, Anna Gitter, Shubham Jain, and Lucas Gregory

Angelina River above Sam Rayburn Reservoir and its tributaries, including East Fork Angelina River, Mud Creek, and West Mud Creek, are identified as impaired for elevated concentrations of Escherichia coli (E. coli) in the 2020 Texas Integrated Report of Surface Water Quality for the Clean Water Act Sections 305(b) and 303(d). In addition, in the 2018 Texas Integrated Report-Potential Sources of Impairments and Concerns, Angelina River above Sam Rayburn Reservoir is listed with concerns for total phosphorus and West Mud Creek for ammonia and nitrate. Angelina River above Sam Rayburn Reservoir has been listed as impaired for elevated levels of bacteria since as early as 2000. East Fork Angelina River was first listed for bacteria impairment in 2002. For Mud Creek and West Mud Creek, bacteria impairment has been recognized since 2010. This characterization report assesses the physiographic, climatic, demographic, and hydrologic conditions of the entire area drained by the above-mentioned river and creeks.
Activities for the current project include water quality monitoring, trainings, and meeting with soil and water conservation districts in each watershed to discuss the goals and objectives of addressing the bacteria impairments. Educational programs were delivered to stakeholders to inform them of watershed management and to increase their understanding of what factors contribute to bacteria impairments. Existing data for water quality parameters, flow, livestock, wildlife, stormwater permits, and number of on-site sewage facilities have been analyzed to develop a better understanding of potential causes and sources of bacteria pollution.