At the Texas A&M Institute of Renewable Natural Resources and the Texas Water Resources Institute, we share a complementary mission. Our role is to advance the interdisciplinary approaches required to effectively address complex natural resource challenges.
Read MoreIf people knew it cost around $20 extra at the end of the month to leave their water hose on overnight, they might be more conscious about making sure it’s off. At least that’s the idea that Texas A&M AgriLife Research, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service and Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station are testing in their automated metering infrastructure project, according to Joel Andrus, AgriLife Extension associate with the Texas Water Resources Institute.
Read MoreLearning about river hydrology is more impactful in a canoe than in a classroom – or at least that’s what a new graduate student course is betting on.
Read MoreMay 29 marked the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Texas Soil and Water Conservation Board and the organization is celebrating its diamond jubilee throughout the rest of the year.
Read MoreAfter a long dry period, many parts of the state have finally received some badly needed rain, and those with rainwater harvesting systems have been reaping the rewards of this belated gift from Mother Nature, said Texas A&M AgriLife water resources experts.
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