The Water Management and Hydrological Science (WMHS) program at Texas A&M University is hosting Water Daze, a student poster competition and water lecture, April 3 on the Texas A&M campus.
The poster competition, open to any Texas A&M graduate or undergraduate student, will be in the Rudder Tower Exhibit Hall from 9 a.m. to noon, with judging at 10 a.m.
Dr. Joan B. Rose, a Michigan State University professor and an international expert in water microbiology, water quality and public health safety, will lecture on “Linking Animal and Human Pollution Sources to the Landscape” at 2:30 p.m. in the Koldus Building, room 110 (read more about the lecture here).
Dr. Prakash Khedun, the WMHS program coordinator, said any Texas A&M graduate and undergraduate student is encouraged to prepare a poster addressing a water issue or problem with suggested solutions. Texas A&M student organizations doing outreach about water issues can also submit posters to highlight their activities, he said.
A team of faculty and other water professionals will judge the posters. First, second and third place winners will receive a monetary prize. Poster winners will be announced during the water lecture.
The poster submission deadline is March 28. More information on poster submission guidelines and registration is available at
The event is sponsored by the Water Management and Hydrological Science program, the Texas Water Resources Institute, the Texas A&M University School of Law, and the Bush School of Government and Public Service.