
Riparian & Stream Ecosystem Training - Lavaca River Watershed

Riparian & Stream Ecosystem Training - Lavaca River Watershed

Agenda Details
Urban Stream Processes and Restoration Training - South Texas

Urban Stream Processes and Restoration Training - South Texas

The training for water and natural resources professionals will focus on natural design processes for stream restoration projects.

Agenda Details
Texas Watershed Steward workshop - Beaumont

Texas Watershed Steward workshop - Beaumont

Texas Watershed Steward workshop is designed to help local residents improve and protect their water resources by becoming involved in local watershed protection and management activities. The training will provide an overview of water quality and watershed management with a focus on the Neches Rive…

Texas Well Owner Network Well Educated training

Texas Well Owner Network Well Educated training

A Texas Well Owner Network Well Educated training has been scheduled for Feb. 5 in Wellborn.

