Subscribe to Our Publications

txH2O, our magazine published twice a year, featuring stories on current water resources research and outreach programs in Texas and priority water issues facing Texas. If you would like to receive a print copy of txH2O, contact

TWRI News is our monthly electronic newsletter that publishes timely information about science-based research and community-supported solutions in Texas.

The Water Resources Training Newsletter provides periodic updates of upcoming trainings on riparian and stream restoration, watershed protection planning, geographic information systems, remote sensing technology, computer simulation models and other water resource issues.
Subscribe Join the Riparian Listserv Join the Watershed Coordinators Listserv
The Texas Riparian Listserv sends notices about recent riparian research, conferences, training, and posts activities daily. The list is a moderated list and all submissions will require administrative approval before being posted to the list. Email Alexander Neal at for more information.
The Texas Watershed Coordinators Listserv is for watershed coordinators and other water resource professionals involved in watershed planning in Texas to exchange information about funding opportunities, conferences and meetings, relevant upcoming trainings, job postings and other items. Email Lucas Gregory at for more information.
TWRI Projects
For information about specific project areas, please subscribe to the regions you would like to receive meeting notifications, newsletters and other information regarding water quality:
Petronila and San Fernando Creeks Watershed Planning, Mid and Lower Cibolo Creek Partnership, Medina River Watershed, Middle Yegua Creek Watershed, Little Bay Watershed, Thompsons Creek Watershed, Proctor Lake Watershed, Big Elm Creek Watershed, Davidson Creek Watershed
Attoyac Bayou, La Nana Bayou, Ayish Bayou
Neches River Tidal, Sandy (Jasper County) and Wolf creeks, Pine Island Bayou, Hillebrandt Bayou, Big Sandy Creek
Carancahua Bay, Garcitas and Arenosa Creeks, Lavaca River, Tres Palacios Creek
Want more Texas water info?
Subscribe to Texas+Water, the monthly newsletter published by The Meadows Center for Water and the Environment, the Texas Water Journal and the Texas Water Resources Institute. Read a sample.
Subscribe to the Texas Water Journal, an online, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the timely consideration of Texas water resources management and policy issues that integrates science, engineering, law, planning, and other disciplines. The journal is published in cooperation with a nonprofit organization, The Texas Water Journal.
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