
TR-517 Addressing Agricultural NPS Pollution in the Arroyo Colorado Watershed through Continuing Education of Best Management Practices

Authors: Victor Gutierrez, Lucas Gregory

This project began in 2016 and was a continued effort of previous agricultural education programs in the watershed. Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service had prior programming that highlighted water quality issues in the Arroyo Colorado with guidance on how the agricultural community could aid in reducing pollutants. The focus of the Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board Project 15-07, “Addressing Agricultural NPS Pollution in the Arroyo Colorado watershed through Continuing Education of Best Management Practices,” was to continue efforts to alleviate impairments in the Arroyo Colorado Watershed through educational programs and direct mailings targeted at controlling agricultural nonpoint source pollution. Texas Water Resources Institute and AgriLife Extension conducted educational programs within the three-county area of the Arroyo Colorado Watershed focused on best management practices, nutrient management, soil testing, and sources of financial and technical assistance.