
Flood recovery resources are available through AgriLife Extension

As many Texans recover from recent flood damage, the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service has resources that can help. 

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Meet TWRI Associate Director Kevin Wagner

As a freshman studying biology at Howard Payne University, Dr. Kevin Wagner dreamt of becoming a physical therapist. But, he soon realized the impact of his childhood days spent playing in the streams on his grandfather’s ranch. His heart was in water resources.

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Mills Scholar researches turfgrass water needs

Charles Fontanier, a doctoral student in Texas A&M University’s Water Management and Hydrological Sciences Program, believes that most Texans want to conserve water, even when it comes to watering their lawns. He hopes his research helps them understand that they can save water and have their lawns too.

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New Texas Water Journal articles published

A book review of Sharing the Common Pool: Water Rights in the Everyday Lives of Texans by Charles R. Porter and an article about regulating hydraulic fracturing in Texas are the two newest published articles in the Texas Water Journal, Volume 6, Number 1.

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USDA allocates $6.5 million for Ogallala Aquifer work

Agriculture SecretaryTom Vilsack recently announced that the U.S. Department of Agriculture is investing $6.5 million in the Ogallala Aquifer region this year to help farmers and ranchers conserve billions of gallons of water and improve water quality. Funding will target seven focus areas in five states, including Texas, to support their primary water source and strengthen rural economies.

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