Copano Bay Watershed

According to the Texas Integrated Report, segments of the Mission and Aransas rivers, the two primary freshwater contributors to Copano Bay, have been identified as not suitable for contact recreation because of elevated fecal bacteria. These fecal bacteria come from various sources, including feral hogs, failing septic systems, avian and non-avian wildlife, and livestock just to name a few. To reduce bacteria to levels safe for contact recreation, TWRI has worked with local stakeholders to develop a Total  Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) and TMDL Implementation Plan (I-Plan) and is now working with stakeholders to implement these developed plans.

For more information about efforts to reduce fecal bacteria in the Mission and Aransas rivers Watersheds, please visit the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality's Mission and Aransas Rivers: A Community Project to Protect Recreational Uses

Visit completed Copano Bay Watershed projects.


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      Mission and Aransas Rivers Watershed Protection Plan

      The Mission and Aransas Rivers TMDL I-Plan Implementation project is funded in part by a Texas Coastal Management Program grant pursuant to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Award No. NOS4190139.