Thompsons Creek Watershed

Thompsons Creek at Silverhill Road Credit:
Thompsons Creek at Silverhill Road
High flow event at Thompsons Creek at Silverhill Road Credit:
High flow event at Thompsons Creek at Silverhill Road
Thompsons Creek downstream of Silverhill Rd Credit:
Thompsons Creek downstream of Silverhill Rd

The Thompsons Creek watershed lies within the greater Brazos River above Navasota watershed and includes three tributaries that are listed as impaired. The three tributaries, including portions of Cottonwood Branch (1242B_01 and 1242B_02), Still Creek (1242C_02) and Thompsons Creek (1242D_01 and 1242D_02), are all identified as impaired for elevated concentrations of Escherichia coli in the 2020 Texas Integrated Report. Elevated levels of E. coli have been identified in the Thompsons Creek watershed since as early as 2002. The watershed is located entirely in Brazos County adjacent to the cities of Bryan and College Station, TX.

Through this project, the Texas Water Resources Institute (TWRI) is investigating current water quality in the watershed by assessing existing watershed and water quality data, continuing to conduct and collect water quality data and engage local watershed stakeholders. We will identify and establish a baseline pollutant source understanding and quantify existing pollutant loads as well as define load reductions needed to achieve applicable water quality standards.


  • Evaluate existing data to describe potential causes and sources of pollution in the watershed
  • Conduct surface water quality monitoring
  • Develop and maintain successful public involvement
  • Establish a working stakeholder group and lead them in the development of a local plan to improve and restore instream water quality

Duncan Kikoyo

As a research specialist for the Texas Water Resources Institute, Duncan Kikoyo, Ph.D., focused on the development and implementation of watershed protection plans, total maximum daily loads and their implementation plans and other projects that address critical water issues in Texas. 

Lucas Gregory

Lucas Gregory, Ph.D., currently serves as associate director of research – physical sciences.


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      Funding provided by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Total Maximum Daily Load Program.