TWRI’s top 10 articles from 2024

Karst waters in the Natural Bridge Caverns in San Antonio, Texas. Photo by Marisa Collura.

Reflecting on a productive year, the Texas Water Resources Institute (TWRI) team is sharing our top 10 most-read articles, including content from the summer 2024 issue of txH2O and TWRI News.

Here are the top 10 TWRI articles from 2024: 

  1. Texas' Most Infamous Groundwater Lawsuits: These court cases set today’s Texas groundwater law precedents
  2. Understanding Groundwater Law: Legal statutes and precedents governing groundwater vary among states and can be challenging for residents to navigate
  3. Meet the new TWRI Director: Giovanni Piccinni, Ph.D., brings global and agricultural experience to the institute.
  4. Texas A&M Water Day 2024 showcases next generation of water scientists: March 27 at Texas A&M, students filled the 12th Man Hall with research posters, gathering together faculty, graduate students and undergraduate students from many departments and programs to present and share water-related research.
  5. Giovanni Piccinni named Texas Water Resources Institute director: Giovanni Piccinni, Ph.D., will return to Texas A&M AgriLife Research with a wealth of expertise to bolster his new role as director of TWRI effective Aug. 1.
  6. TWRI names two Faculty Fellows, awards federal funding: The Texas Water Resources Institute has named two Texas A&M University professors as 2024-2025 TWRI Faculty Fellows, awarding $15,000 in federal funding to each faculty member to support their water-related research.
  7. Where Does Your Groundwater Come From?: Get acquainted with Texas’ aquifers and the educators advocating for groundwater conservation
  8. Shifting Navasota River examined in TWRI-led research: Using historical records, TWRI Research Scientist Ed Rhodes and co-authors have published new research about the ever-changing Navasota River.
  9. Systematic review of best management practices shows water quality results nationwide: TWRI researchers conducted a broad analysis of existing U.S. water quality BMP research and found that BMPs make a measurable impact.
  10. Mills Scholarships awarded to five Texas A&M students: The Texas Water Resources Institute has awarded 2024-25 Mills Scholarships to five graduate students conducting water-related research at Texas A&M University.

And the top five most-read articles from past years' txH2O magazines included:

  1. 10 Challenges of Water Utilities, summer 2019 Water Utilities Challenges issue 
  2. Getting to Know the Rio Grande, winter 2021 Rio Grande issue 
  3. How the Rio Grande Came to Be, winter 2021 Rio Grande issue 
  4. Do you live in Flash Flood Alley?, fall 2016 Extreme Texas Weather issue 
  5. The Future of Water Infrastructure in the U.S. and Texas, winter 2022 Future of Water issue

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As a communications specialist for TWRI, Sarah Richardson works with the institute's communications team leading graphic design projects including TWRI News, flyers, brochures, reports, documents and other educational materials. 

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